portfolio rebalancing

Cryptocurrency has grown in popularity in recent years, and many investors are now looking to incorporate digital tokens into their portfolios. However, managing a crypto portfolio can be difficult because markets are highly volatile and token values fluctuate rapidly. One way to address this challenge is through the process of portfolio rebalancing.

Portfolio rebalancing is a strategy for maintaining a desired level of risk and returns by adjusting the allocation of tokens in a portfolio. This can be accomplished by selling tokens that have increased in value while purchasing tokens that have underperformed.

In this article, we will discuss what portfolio rebalancing is, why it’s important, pitfalls to avoid while rebalancing your portfolio, how to rebalance your portfolio, and portfolio rebalancing methods and frequency.

What is Portfolio Rebalancing?

Portfolio rebalancing is the process of adjusting the composition of a crypto portfolio to maintain the desired level of diversification and risk. The goal of rebalancing is to keep the portfolio in line with the target token allocation even as token values fluctuate. This can be accomplished by selling tokens that have increased in value while purchasing tokens that have underperformed. 

The goal of rebalancing is to return the portfolio to its intended allocation while reducing the risk of overexposure to any single token and improving returns.

Why is Portfolio Rebalancing Important

Rebalancing a portfolio ensures that it remains consistent with an investor’s original investment objectives and risk tolerance. Some tokens in a portfolio may appreciate more than others as the market changes, resulting in an imbalance in the portfolio’s overall risk and return profile.

The cryptocurrency markets can be extremely volatile, and without proper management, a portfolio may deviate from its intended token allocation. This increases the risk in the portfolio and may result in lower returns. Investors can help to ensure that the portfolio remains diversified and that the risk level is appropriate by reviewing the portfolio on a regular basis and adjusting the allocation as needed.

Furthermore, rebalancing can help to improve returns by capturing gains in tokens that have appreciated in value and reallocating those funds to underperforming tokens. As tokens appreciate in value, they become a larger portion of the portfolio, increasing the risk of loss if the token’s value falls. The portfolio can be rebalanced to take advantage of market opportunities by selling appreciated tokens and purchasing underperforming tokens.

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Pitfalls to Avoid in Portfolio Rebalancing

There are several pitfalls to avoid when rebalancing a portfolio, including:

  • Over-rebalancing: Rebalancing too frequently can lead to increased trading costs and taxes, and may not capture market opportunities as effectively as less frequent rebalancing. It also can cause over-trading and negatively impact the performance of the portfolio.
  • Not considering tax implications: Rebalancing a portfolio may result in capital gains taxes, so it is important to consider the tax implications of any trades before making them. It may be beneficial to consult a tax professional before implementing a rebalancing strategy.
  • Not considering trading costs: Rebalancing a portfolio can result in a significant number of trades, so it is important to consider the trading costs associated with these trades. This can include commission fees, bid-ask spreads, and other costs that may eat into your returns.
  • Not aligning the rebalancing strategy with investment goals: The rebalancing strategy should be aligned with your original investment goals and risk tolerance. It is important to regularly review and adjust the strategy as needed to ensure that it remains aligned with these goals.
  • Not having an Exit strategy: A lot of investors tend to forget to have an exit strategy when it comes to their investments. It is always important to have an exit strategy in place to avoid losses and maximize gains.
  • Making Emotional Decisions: Rebalancing a portfolio can be difficult, especially when a token has appreciated significantly. It is important to maintain a long-term perspective and not make emotional decisions when rebalancing.

How to Rebalance Your Portfolio?

Rebalancing a portfolio can be done in several ways, including:

  • Sell tokens that have appreciated in value: Identify the tokens that have grown beyond their original target allocation and sell a portion of them to bring your portfolio back to its intended allocation.
  • Buy underperforming tokens: Identify the tokens that have underperformed and buy more of them to bring your portfolio back to its intended allocation.
  • Use dollar-cost averaging: Instead of buying or selling all at once, use dollar-cost averaging to gradually adjust your portfolio over time. This is a strategy that involves investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of the price of the token. This can be an effective way to rebalance a portfolio because it allows investors to gradually adjust their portfolio over time, rather than making a large trade all at once.
  • Use Automated Rebalancing: Some platforms and brokers now offer automated rebalancing, which can help to minimize human error and keep the portfolio in line with the target allocation.
  • Review and adjust your strategy: Regularly review your portfolio and adjust the rebalancing strategy as needed to ensure that it remains aligned with your investment goals and risk tolerance.

Portfolio Rebalancing Methods & Frequency

The frequency of rebalancing a portfolio depends on individual investors’ goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions. There are a few different methods for determining the appropriate rebalancing frequency, each with its own set of pros and cons.

  • Time-based rebalancing: This method involves rebalancing your portfolio on a regular schedule, such as every month or quarterly. The advantage is that it is easy to implement and requires little monitoring. The market may change significantly between rebalancing intervals, so this method may not be the best for capturing market opportunities.
  • Threshold-based rebalancing: This method involves setting a threshold, such as a 5% deviation from the target allocation, and rebalancing your portfolio whenever a token crosses that threshold. The pros of this method is that it allows for more flexibility and can capture market opportunities. However, it requires more monitoring and may lead to more frequent trades.
  • Target percentage rebalancing: This method involves setting a target percentage for each token in your portfolio and rebalancing your portfolio whenever any token deviates from that target. The pros of this method is that it is easy to implement and requires little monitoring. However, it may not be the best way to capture market opportunities, as the market may change significantly between rebalancing intervals.
  • Algorithmic Rebalancing: This method uses a computer algorithm to continuously monitor your portfolio, and make trades based on predefined rules or market conditions. It can help to capture market opportunities and minimize human error, but it can be complex to set up, and require a higher level of technical knowledge and resources.

Ultimately, the best rebalancing strategy for an investor will be determined by their personal investment objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Some investors prefer to rebalance their portfolio on a monthly or quarterly basis, while others prefer to rebalance less frequently, such as annually or semi-annually. 


In a volatile market, portfolio rebalancing is a powerful tool for risk management and improving investment returns. Investors can help to ensure that their portfolio remains diversified and aligned with their investment goals by understanding the concept of diversification, identifying rebalancing opportunities, and selecting an appropriate rebalancing strategy. However, it is critical to be aware of and avoid potential pitfalls of rebalancing, such as over-rebalancing, paying high trading costs, and ignoring tax implications.


Updated on: January 30, 2023